A Geometrical Foundation for all ISEE innovations… The ISEE systems are designed with the same geometrical casing, the fundamental shape of the pyramid. Pyramids have remarkable properties by themselves, which allows the ISEE innovation inside, to reach its highest potential of operation.
The ISEE innovations have been in development for almost ten years. The fundamental principles have been uncovered, in a step by step way, refined and then tested. The information in this section is intended to give a very brief overview of the working philosophy and concepts involved in ISEE innovations
Using the Pyramid Geometry to provide Synergy, Focus and Amplification Among the qualities of Pyramids, is the ability to focus and amplify energy flows. There is no coincidence that ancient cultures built and replicated these powerful geometrical structures all over the world, many of which have only relatively recently been discovered in places no one imagined to look. There are many forms of pyramid design from the very well know ones in Giza through to staged pyramids as ziggurats, most often found in South America. The design used in the ISEE innovations is based on the four sided, golden ratio pyramid. This ratio is an intrinsic architectural fingerprint in all natural things on earth, as well as being is intimately woven into the structure of many of the pyramids around the world. It is there in your relative bones sizes, leaves, spiral shells, spiral flowers, trees and so on. This is important as, among other properties, this fundamentally creates another layer of synergy with the natural world, which is very much at the heart of infynergy. This ratio is expressed Phi = (1 + sqrt(5))/2 = 1.618 But further to this, it is the very energetic amplification and focusing properties of the pyramid, based on Phi, which provides the geometric foundation for the ISEE fields to be enhanced to their highest function. In this way, although the geometry is not the core of the ISEE innovation, they work in synergy to provide the intended effect.
The Basis for the ISEE Principles The core of the ISEE innovation sits in the centre of the pyramid. And there are three primary principles of operation that it uses in synergy with the purposely enhancing properties of the pyramid geometry. The underlying view that conventional physics takes is that particles are separate objects that can physically interact with each other via what are called messenger particles, such as photons and gluons as well as other such force mediators. In this framework, there is no transfer of anything from one particle of matter to another, other than energy through a transfer of momentum. Matter particles have a defined boundary where the material aspect of them begins and ends, just like a billiard ball. In the infynergy view, we see things very differently. In our perception, all particles are holographic, or light that has been condensed into various forms of material structure. In this view, interactions between matter take on a very rich tapestry of exchange. Not only do particles exchange momentum, but more importantly, they exchange experiential information. This concept of information exchange is fundamentally important. To understand this better, we take a closer look at a particle of light, also know as a photon.
A Closer Look at a Photon Light has both a wave and particle like characteristic to it. In the images opposite, we see the pattern of light emanating from the centre of a galaxy, and an enlarged depiction of the photon structure of one particle of light in those rays. Such photons are visible and detectable, in a spectrum of frequencies, called the electromagnetic spectrum. Which is so called, as photons are in large part a phenomenon of electric and magnetic energy. Conventionally, each photon of different colour, or physically non-visible ones, such as cosmic rays, are simply a photon vibrating at a different frequency. Such photons, within this view, are point like objects with no more inherent qualities than these simply attributes. However, in the infynergy view, a counter rotation of geometrical field structures (depicted as two opposite facing and counter rotating tetrahedron geometries) pictured oppositely, creates a condensing of the surrounding ‘light substance’, which forms what is perceived as a particle of light, or a photon. As can be seen, this condensation of light, forming the ‘photon’ substance does not have a clear boundary, such as with a billiard ball, where it is present and where it is not. It extends out continuously. But as you move further away, light formation ‘appears’ to have little or no presence. Conversely, the closer toward the centre, it beings to have a point like character to it, just like pond ripples, when a stone is thrown in. And so if you view it from a large distance, it appears only to be a point like object with no expanse, which is what is understood conventionally.
A very important aspect of the anatomy of a photon, which is not recognised by conventional understanding, is the quantum field, which is the foundation of the counter rotating fields and photon structure itself. These attributes are multi-dimensional ones at that. Meaning it extends and has attributes that are far beyond what is currently detectable.
Quantum Field
Visible Photon (Light Particle)
A closer look at the quantum field and the Multi-Layer Concept This is a most important step to understanding the first principle of the ISEE function, which is the re-purposing of structured information. To do so, we take a large look at the make up of a photon and extend this close up view and extend it to reality, large scale, as in the infynergy view, everything in form is made up of light forms in various states of vibration, phenomenology and density. This philosophy applies to the universe and everything in form. And all are founded in and from the quantum nature of energy, which is a living energy that is biased for life. The below illustration shows a separating out of the multi-layering of levels that make up quantum reality through to the physical universe. The important aspects to note are that there are certain layers where only generative forms exists (those that are life sustaining, promoting and expansive) and those that are degenerative (destructive and collapsing).
Lower Vibration state higher density Solid Structural attributes
Higher Vibration state Ethereal, non-linear, living, Quantum and nebulous attributes
The physical material layer of reality, composed of physical structure, such as atoms, molecules, through to larger structures such as cells, plants and galaxies. At this level, both generative and degenerative forms exist
The physical sub layers, multiple layers of different phenomenology that has subtle crossovers with physical layer and sub quantum. At this level, both generative and degenerative forms exist
The Quantum sub layers, layers of quantum nebulous forms that have a crossover between the quantum and sub physical and physical. At this level only generative forms exist
The Quantum layers, the foundation for all quantum sub layers and high density structure layers (physical and sub physical)
ISEE Principle One Transforming Degenerative into Generative The multi-layers, from the quantum through to the physical contain energy structures of light substance which are living and active . That is to say they influence that which they interact with. These layers and sub layers, make up what we can and cannot perceive with our physical senses, all stemming from the quantum field. And indeed there are far deeper levels within the quantum field itself, but for the purpose of this explanation, we only need focus on the sub levels. Just like a house, all layers of the bricks, the window structures and eventually the roof, are based upon the foundation. And so it is similar for the sub layering from a quantum field. Looking at the sub quantum layers in the illustration above, there exists what we call Quantum Structured Energy Codes , or QSEC ’s in short. These codes take a multitude of forms and are life promoting and generative . That is, they fully support life, its development and expansion. However, as you descend in vibration and move into the sub-physical and physical, the possibility of degenerative code structures begins to exist in the lower sub layers. These codes impede life promoting processes and can be very destructive. All such codes are, in essence, the result of the conscious intentions inherent when created, and continue to be as such until changed. For example. If you create a message for someone with love and kindness, that is perceived and felt by the person receiving it. Now write the same words with mal-intent and the codes you receive will likely leave you in a lower energy state, even though the wording is exactly the same. A beautiful natural example of such codes influencing the development of life is in water crystals. These crystals grow and develop based upon the codes they contain, which can include codes from materials within the water also.
To go a little deeper into the human condition, it is of key importance to understand that the human form is made up of a multitude of layers in which it operates, from the matter layers through to the high layers of the quantum levels. And as such is able to both receive and give generative QSEC ’s and degenerative coding.. Indeed, these coding interactions are happening all the time, throughout your day. So you are in fact absorbing and imparting information while you sleep, walk and play. From when feeling light from the sun and interacting with friends, all the way through to your use of technology and the experience of artificial signals in the air, such as communications technology etc. The more natural the interaction, for example walking in sunshine, the more generative QSEC ’s you receive. The more artificial, such as from a technology rich environment, the more degenerative ones you absorb. This happens through the principle of resonance, in that if you match the vibration of the generative QSEC ’s or degenerative codes you can exchange and absorb them. That is, the ones from the layers and sub layers you’re interacting with, and it with yours. This can easily be appreciated with the example of musical tuning forks. If you vibrate one fork and bring it close to another of the same note that was still, it will then begin to vibrate. There is an exchange of energy because they resonate perfectly together. That is, their frequency of vibration is a match. If you do the same with a fork of a different note, nothing will happen as they do not match frequency, and so do not resonate, and no exchange will take place. The human body is made up of over 75% water. Water molecules have a structure that resonates with microwave radiation. This type of radiation is what is primarily used in mobile phones and other radiating communication technologies. And so a very large part of the human ‘matter layer’ makeup can absorb the codes from these emissions. And there are many other examples of such resonances that allow the body to receive degenerative codes. And so the need for the body to only exchange generative QSEC’s, while still being able to go about your day in the modern world, is of high importance for well-being and natural development, which is why the ISEE solutions were developed.
ISEE Principles Two & Three Creating a nourishing environment to grow and develop as a living being These principles are actually related, and are about the expansive development of the human condition in a way that is alignment with the highest path as chosen by, and is unique to, the individuals inner being, while using the ISEE innovations. The second principle is the application of generative QSEC ’s that are in alignment with the inner being of the individual. These will often be very different for each and will take place at a pace that is appropriated by the inner being of the individual. The third principle is the development and sustainment of the individuals connection to the earth energy fields. This connection, often termed as earthing, or grounding, is a fundamental symbiosis between us and the earth. It cannot be over stated, as to how important, clear and deep grounding to the earth fields is. The image below helps to illustrate the intended assisting nature of the three ISEE principles, by way of the rotation attributes of energy. Generative energy motion has an expansive vortex nature to it, and degenerative is a collapsing and contracting one. The concept of assistance is to help provide an energetic environment that keeps you above the neutral line.
If you allow water crystals to grow in an energetic environment of say mobile phone radiations, the resulting crystals become jagged, disfigured and chaotic. The more degenerative codes they contain, the more chaotic and disharmonious they become. This is similar for cells, the more generative QSEC ’s they contain, the healthier and life promoting development they experience. The more degenerative ones that are present, the more the cell experiences poor function. From our research, all artificial radiations (from all modern electronic technologies) contain degenerative coding, as does much of the food we eat and water from central supplies. Indeed, in modern living conditions, it is virtually impossible to escape exposure to them in one form or another. And so, the first principle of the ISEE function, is to actively transform all degenerative codes into generative QSEC’s that are life promoting and supportive:
Both generative QSEC’s and degenerative coding exist here
Only generative QSEC’s exist here
Both generative QSEC’s and degenerative coding exist here
Only generative exist here
Only generative QSEC’s exist in the range of the ISEE device
Only generative QSEC’s exist here
Only generative QSEC’s exist in the range of the ISEE device
Only generative exist here
ISEE re-purposing of degenerative into generative QSEC’s
The ISEE Re-purposing of Artificial Fields Given the principles of the ISEE described above, it is further helpful to go deeper into the anatomy of artificial fields and the effects they can have. Such fields are prevalent everywhere, even in the most remote locations in natural settings, albeit much less than in say modern housing or office blocks etc. In order to understand the effect, they have on the human condition, we must first look at the makeup of such fields, which is greatly misunderstood, in our view. In the ISEE infynergy perspective, artificial fields are multilayered and have resonance right down to the physical level of reality. In the context of mainstream physics, such fields are electromagnetic in nature. Meaning they have both electric and magnetic attributes that can be oscillating or static. In the ISEE infynergy view, we see technologically generated electromagnetic fields as ‘artificial fields’, as we view them to be composed of multilayers of energy structures that go beyond the normal electric and magnetic attributes that can be seen by physical measurement devices. To be clear, when an instrument measures an artificial field, it is really looking at the movement of electrical charge in the detector antennae/receptor and then displaying that as such. This display, in the case of an oscillating artificial field will show a sine wave, which has a particular frequency etc. Now, in an analogy, a detector that measures the motion of an ocean wave would do the same. It will display the motion characteristic of the physical wave detection mechanism. But all this is really doing is measuring the ‘up’ and ‘down’ motion of a physical object that is being moved by the ocean wave when placed in its path. Therefore, the measurement device can tell you nothing of the vast multilayer properties of the ocean medium itself, only the motion of the detector as it moves up and down while in the path of the ocean wave. This is why we call technological fields ‘artificial’ as this really is a reference to our view that the wave is not just the detectable electromagnetic wave that an instrument can measure by ‘watching’ the movement of charges that are riding up and down as the wave passes through. So, in the conventional sense, an electromagnetic wave can be illustrated by a wave whose frequency determines the physical properties of how it interacts with and affects matter:
Increasing Frequency
The conventional electromagnetic spectrum, below, illustrates the range of different frequencies and their attributes, which includes well known frequencies such as radio through to cosmic rays, and includes the visual light we see with our eyes:
Generative QSEC’s + Degenerative coded structures + Base EM carrier wave
Generative QSEC’s only + Base EM carrier wave
ISEE re-purposing of degenerative into generative QSEC’s
An Important Concept to Understand with Artifical Fields While we believe it is vitally important to repurpose the structured energy codes to become QSEC’s, there is a very important aspect related to the effect of artificial fields on human wellbeing that is very misunderstood. And that is that although, in the range of the ISEE device, the structured energy codes are repurposed become QSEC’s, within the artificial field, the basic carrier wave is still present. Now, most importanly, this carrier wave no longer has degenerative coding within it, but its presence has a direct effect on the charge withing the body, and especially on conductive pollutants, such as heavy metals and other such receptors still remaining in the body. This is very important to understand, in the pursuit of wellbeing, as many have such aspects within their bodies from various sources. This means that the induced oscillations from artificial fields can still have a ‘physical’ effect on certain people. This is particularly true while considering that the body relies, in part, on electromagnetic signaling, which is rhythmic in nature. The added oscillations of say, a digitally modulated artificial field, which itself is a sharp edged wave form (never found in nature), creates a superposition, and may alter the communication signal of the body. This seems to be especially true with a body laden with heavy metals and other conductive material. In the modern world, there are two main ways to deal with this: To be located in a place where artificial fields are at a minimum (which is not practical for most) To create a space that encourages the transition away from having such points of resonance that allow these residual physical oscillations This is why we believe it is also important for principles 2 and 3 as described above. These are in part to assist the human condition to move beyond those points of resonance that allow any residual agitation. In our view, this may take a person, depnding on many factors, a while to achieve.
And so, it becomes easy to see just how much the human living condition is exposed to both natural and artificial fields each and every day. We now take a closer look at a simple graphical overview of the multi-layered properites of artifical waves, from the infynergy perspective, which is simply a closer look based on the discussions above of the multi-layered makeup of reality. These layers can be seperated into three classes, or components of the makeup of the artifical field as:
Seperating the artifical wave field into its components
The quantum field is the fundamental blueprint for The photons behaviour what it exchanges through interaction The structures and qualities it can exchange, wihtin the photon field, and beyond…
Disclaimer: All of the work, information, techniques, ideas, concepts, solutions and products presented here in this entire website, and in all ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) literature, are expressly the views and perspectives of ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) only. They are not, and have not been, endorsed, evaluated, recognised or understood by any mainstream academic or medical body or institution and should only ever be taken as the view and philosophy of ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC). None of what is presented here, including the innovations of ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC), are intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease and an appropriate medical consultant should be used for such. Aspects relating to experiences with them are purely personal testimonials for helpfulness and not intended as a claim of performance verification. All of the ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) innovations are continually evolving. As such, ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) may make changes in the design, appearence and function of the systems without any prior notice.
About Us
ISEE infynergy
Using the Pyramid Geometry to provide Synergy, Focus and Amplification Among the qualities of Pyramids, is the ability to focus and amplify energy flows. There is no coincidence that ancient cultures built and replicated these powerful geometrical structures all over the world, many of which have only relatively recently been discovered in places no one imagined to look. There are many forms of pyramid design from the very well know ones in Giza through to staged pyramids as ziggurats, most often found in South America. The design used in the ISEE innovations is based on the four sided, golden ratio pyramid. This ratio is an intrinsic architectural fingerprint in all natural things on earth, as well as being is intimately woven into the structure of many of the pyramids around the world. It is there in your relative bones sizes, leaves, spiral shells, spiral flowers, trees and so on. This is important as, among other properties, this fundamentally creates another layer of synergy with the natural world, which is very much at the heart of infynergy. This ratio is expressed Phi = (1 + sqrt(5))/2 = 1.618 But further to this, it is the very energetic amplification and focusing properties of the pyramid, based on Phi, which provides the geometric foundation for the ISEE fields to be enhanced to their highest function. In this way, although the geometry is not the core of the ISEE innovation, they work in synergy to provide the intended effect.
The Basis for the ISEE Principles The core of the ISEE innovation sits in the centre of the pyramid. And there are three primary principles of operation that it uses in synergy with the purposely enhancing properties of the pyramid geometry. The underlying view that conventional physics takes is that particles are separate objects that can physically interact with each other via what are called messenger particles, such as photons and gluons as well as other such force mediators. In this framework, there is no transfer of anything from one particle of matter to another, other than energy through a transfer of momentum. Matter particles have a defined boundary where the material aspect of them begins and ends, just like a billiard ball. In the infynergy view, we see things very differently. In our perception, all particles are holographic, or light that has been condensed into various forms of material structure. In this view, interactions between matter take on a very rich tapestry of exchange. Not only do particles exchange momentum, but more importantly, they exchange experiential information. This concept of information exchange is fundamentally important. To understand this better, we take a closer look at a particle of light, also know as a photon.
A Geometrical Foundation for all ISEE innovations… The ISEE systems are designed with the same geometrical casing, the fundamental shape of the pyramid. Pyramids have remarkable properties by themselves, which allows the ISEE innovation inside, to reach its highest potential of operation.
Visible Photon (Light Particle)
Quantum Field
A Closer Look at a Photon Light has both a wave and particle like characteristic to it. In the images opposite, we see the pattern of light emanating from the centre of a galaxy, and an enlarged depiction of the photon structure of one particle of light in those rays. Such photons are visible and detectable, in a spectrum of frequencies, called the electromagnetic spectrum. Which is so called, as photons are in large part a phenomenon of electric and magnetic energy. Conventionally, each photon of different colour, or physically non-visible ones, such as cosmic rays, are simply a photon vibrating at a different frequency. Such photons, within this view, are point like objects with no more inherent qualities than these simply attributes. However, in the infynergy view, a counter rotation of geometrical field structures (depicted as two opposite facing and counter rotating tetrahedron geometries) pictured oppositely, creates a condensing of the surrounding ‘light substance’, which forms what is perceived as a particle of light, or a photon. As can be seen, this condensation of light, forming the ‘photon’ substance does not have a clear boundary, such as with a billiard ball, where it is present and where it is not. It extends out continuously. But as you move further away, light formation ‘appears’ to have little or no presence. Conversely, the closer toward the centre, it beings to have a point like character to it, just like pond ripples, when a stone is thrown in. And so if you view it from a large distance, it appears only to be a point like object with no expanse, which is what is understood conventionally.
A very important aspect of the anatomy of a photon, which is not recognised by conventional understanding, is the quantum field, which is the foundation of the counter rotating fields and photon structure itself. These attributes are multi- dimensional ones at that. Meaning it extends and has attributes that are far beyond what is currently detectable. The quantum field is the fundamental blueprint for The photons behaviour what it exchanges through interaction The structures and qualities it can exchange, wihtin the photon field, and beyond…
A closer look at the quantum field and the Multi-Layer Concept This is a most important step to understanding the first principle of the ISEE function, which is the re- purposing of structured information. To do so, we take a large look at the make up of a photon and extend this close up view and extend it to reality, large scale, as in the infynergy view, everything in form is made up of light forms in various states of vibration, phenomenology and density. This philosophy applies to the universe and everything in form. And all are founded in and from the quantum nature of energy, which is a living energy that is biased for life. The below illustration shows a separating out of the multi-layering of levels that make up quantum reality through to the physical universe. The important aspects to note are that there are certain layers where only generative forms exists (those that are life sustaining, promoting and expansive) and those that are degenerative (destructive and collapsing).
Lower vibration state, higher density, solid structural attributes
Higher vibration state, ethereal, non-linear, living, quantum and nebulous attributes
Begining at the top of the image above, the layers are: The physical material layer of reality Composed of physical structure, such as atoms, molecules, through to larger structures such as cells, plants and galaxies. At this level, both generative and degenerative forms exist The physical sub layers Multiple layers of different phenomenology that has subtle crossovers with physical layer and sub quantum. At this level, both generative and degenerative forms exist The Quantum sub layers Layers of quantum nebulous forms that have a crossover between the quantum and sub physical and physical. At this level only generative forms exist The Quantum layers The foundation for all quantum sub layers and high density structure layers (physical and sub physical)
ISEE Principle One Transforming Degenerative into Generative The multi-layers, from the quantum through to the physical contain energy structures of light substance which are living and active . That is to say they influence that which they interact with. These layers and sub layers, make up what we can and cannot perceive with our physical senses, all stemming from the quantum field. And indeed there are far deeper levels within the quantum field itself, but for the purpose of this explanation, we only need focus on the sub levels. Just like a house, all layers of the bricks, the window structures and eventually the roof, are based upon the foundation. And so it is similar for the sub layering from a quantum field. Looking at the sub quantum layers in the illustration above, there exists what we call Quantum Structured Energy Codes , or QSEC ’s in short. These codes take a multitude of forms and are life promoting and generative . That is, they fully support life, its development and expansion. However, as you descend in vibration and move into the sub-physical and physical, the possibility of degenerative code structures begins to exist in the lower sub layers. These codes impede life promoting processes and can be very destructive. All such codes are, in essence, the result of the conscious intentions inherent when created, and continue to be as such until changed. For example. If you create a message for someone with love and kindness, that is perceived and felt by the person receiving it. Now write the same words with mal- intent and the codes you receive will likely leave you in a lower energy state, even though the wording is exactly the same. A beautiful natural example of such codes influencing the development of life is in water crystals. These crystals grow and develop based upon the codes they contain, which can include codes from materials within the water also.
If you allow water crystals to grow in an energetic environment of say mobile phone radiations, the resulting crystals become jagged, disfigured and chaotic. The more degenerative codes they contain, the more chaotic and disharmonious they become. This is similar for cells, the more generative QSEC ’s they contain, the healthier and life promoting development they experience. The more degenerative ones that are present, the more the cell experiences poor function. From our research, all artificial radiations (from all modern electronic technologies) contain degenerative coding, as does much of the food we eat and water from central supplies. Indeed, in modern living conditions, it is virtually impossible to escape exposure to them in one form or another. And so, the first principle of the ISEE function, is to actively transform all degenerative codes into generative QSEC’s that are life promoting and supportive:
ISEE re-purposing of degenerative into generative QSEC’s in the range of the ISEE device
Generative QSEC’s
Generative QSEC’s only
To go a little deeper into the human condition, it is of key importance to understand that the human form is made up of a multitude of layers in which it operates, from the matter layers through to the high layers of the quantum levels. And as such is able to both receive and give generative QSEC ’s and degenerative coding.. Indeed, these coding interactions are happening all the time, throughout your day. So you are in fact absorbing and imparting information while you sleep, walk and play. From when feeling light from the sun and interacting with friends, all the way through to your use of technology and the experience of artificial signals in the air, such as communications technology etc. The more natural the interaction, for example walking in sunshine, the more generative QSEC ’s you receive. The more artificial, such as from a technology rich environment, the more degenerative ones you absorb. This happens through the principle of resonance, in that if you match the vibration of the generative QSEC ’s or degenerative codes you can exchange and absorb them. That is, the ones from the layers and sub layers you’re interacting with, and it with yours. This can easily be appreciated with the example of musical tuning forks. If you vibrate one fork and bring it close to another of the same note that was still, it will then begin to vibrate. There is an exchange of energy because they resonate perfectly together. That is, their frequency of vibration is a match. If you do the same with a fork of a different note, nothing will happen as they do not match frequency, and so do not resonate, and no exchange will take place. The human body is made up of over 75% water. Water molecules have a structure that resonates with microwave radiation. This type of radiation is what is primarily used in mobile phones and other radiating communication technologies. And so a very large part of the human ‘matter layer’ makeup can absorb the codes from these emissions. And there are many other examples of such resonances that allow the body to receive degenerative codes. And so the need for the body to only exchange generative QSEC’s, while still being able to go about your day in the modern world, is of high importance for well-being and natural development, which is why the ISEE solutions were developed.
ISEE Principles Two & Three Creating a nourishing environment to grow and develop as a living being These principles are actually related, and are about the expansive development of the human condition in a way that is alignment with the highest path as chosen by, and is unique to, the individuals inner being, while using the ISEE innovations. The second principle is the application of generative QSEC ’s that are in alignment with the inner being of the individual. These will often be very different for each and will take place at a pace that is appropriated by the inner being of the individual. The third principle is the development and sustainment of the individuals connection to the earth energy fields. This connection, often termed as earthing, or grounding, is a fundamental symbiosis between us and the earth. It cannot be over stated, as to how important, clear and deep grounding to the earth fields is. The image below helps to illustrate the intended assisting nature of the three ISEE principles, by way of the rotation attributes of energy. Generative energy motion has an expansive vortex nature to it, and degenerative is a collapsing and contracting one. The concept of assistance is to help provide an energetic environment that keeps you above the neutral line.
The ISEE innovations have been in development for almost ten years. The fundamental principles have been uncovered, in a step by step way, refined and then tested. The information in this section is intended to give a very brief overview of the working philosophy and concepts involved in ISEE innovations
TERMS AND CONDITIONS | PRIVACY POLICY | RETURN POLICY | CONTACT US ISEE Infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) Address: PO Box 232, Land O Lakes, FL 34639, USA Disclaimer: All of the work, information, techniques, ideas, concepts, solutions and products presented here in this entire website, and in all ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) literature, are expressly the views and perspectives of ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) only. They are not, and have not been, endorsed, evaluated, recognised or understood by any mainstream academic or medical body or institution and should only ever be taken as the view and philosophy of ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC). None of what is presented here, including the innovations of ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC), are intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease and an appropriate medical consultant should be used for such. Aspects relating to experiences with them are purely personal testimonials for helpfulness and not intended as a claim of performance verification. All of the ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) innovations are continually evolving. As such, ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) may make changes in the design, appearence and function of the systems without any prior notice.
ISEE infynergy
A Geometrical Foundation for all ISEE innovations… The ISEE systems are designed with the same geometrical casing, the fundamental shape of the pyramid. Pyramids have remarkable properties by themselves, which allows the ISEE innovation inside, to reach its highest potential of operation.
The ISEE innovations have been in development for almost ten years. The fundamental principles have been uncovered, in a step by step way, refined and then tested. The information in this section is intended to give a very brief overview of the working philosophy and concepts involved in ISEE innovations
Using the Pyramid Geometry to provide Synergy, Focus and Amplification Among the qualities of Pyramids, is the ability to focus and amplify energy flows. There is no coincidence that ancient cultures built and replicated these powerful geometrical structures all over the world, many of which have only relatively recently been discovered in places no one imagined to look. There are many forms of pyramid design from the very well know ones in Giza through to staged pyramids as ziggurats, most often found in South America. The design used in the ISEE innovations is based on the four sided, golden ratio pyramid. This ratio is an intrinsic architectural fingerprint in all natural things on earth, as well as being is intimately woven into the structure of many of the pyramids around the world. It is there in your relative bones sizes, leaves, spiral shells, spiral flowers, trees and so on. This is important as, among other properties, this fundamentally creates another layer of synergy with the natural world, which is very much at the heart of infynergy. This ratio is expressed Phi = (1 + sqrt(5))/2 = 1.618 But further to this, it is the very energetic amplification and focusing properties of the pyramid, based on Phi, which provides the geometric foundation for the ISEE fields to be enhanced to their highest function. In this way, although the geometry is not the core of the ISEE innovation, they work in synergy to provide the intended effect.
The Basis for the ISEE Principles The core of the ISEE innovation sits in the centre of the pyramid. And there are three primary principles of operation that it uses in synergy with the purposely enhancing properties of the pyramid geometry. The underlying view that conventional physics takes is that particles are separate objects that can physically interact with each other via what are called messenger particles, such as photons and gluons as well as other such force mediators. In this framework, there is no transfer of anything from one particle of matter to another, other than energy through a transfer of momentum. Matter particles have a defined boundary where the material aspect of them begins and ends, just like a billiard ball. In the infynergy view, we see things very differently. In our perception, all particles are holographic, or light that has been condensed into various forms of material structure. In this view, interactions between matter take on a very rich tapestry of exchange. Not only do particles exchange momentum, but more importantly, they exchange experiential information. This concept of information exchange is fundamentally important. To understand this better, we take a closer look at a particle of light, also know as a photon.
A Closer Look at a Photon Light has both a wave and particle like characteristic to it. In the images opposite, we see the pattern of light emanating from the centre of a galaxy, and an enlarged depiction of the photon structure of one particle of light in those rays. Such photons are visible and detectable, in a spectrum of frequencies, called the electromagnetic spectrum. Which is so called, as photons are in large part a phenomenon of electric and magnetic energy. Conventionally, each photon of different colour, or physically non- visible ones, such as cosmic rays, are simply a photon vibrating at a different frequency. Such photons, within this view, are point like objects with no more inherent qualities than these simply attributes. However, in the infynergy view, a counter rotation of geometrical field structures (depicted as two opposite facing and counter rotating tetrahedron geometries) pictured oppositely, creates a condensing of the surrounding ‘light substance’, which forms what is perceived as a particle of light, or a photon. As can be seen, this condensation of light, forming the ‘photon’ substance does not have a clear boundary, such as with a billiard ball, where it is present and where it is not. It extends out continuously. But as you move further away, light formation ‘appears’ to have little or no presence. Conversely, the closer toward the centre, it beings to have a point like character to it, just like pond ripples, when a stone is thrown in. And so if you view it from a large distance, it appears only to be a point like object with no expanse, which is what is understood conventionally.
A very important aspect of the anatomy of a photon, which is not recognised by conventional understanding, is the quantum field, which is the foundation of the counter rotating fields and photon structure itself. These attributes are multi-dimensional ones at that. Meaning it extends and has attributes that are far beyond what is currently detectable.
Quantum Field
Visible Photon (Light Particle)
A closer look at the quantum field and the Multi-Layer Concept This is a most important step to understanding the first principle of the ISEE function, which is the re-purposing of structured information. To do so, we take a large look at the make up of a photon and extend this close up view and extend it to reality, large scale, as in the infynergy view, everything in form is made up of light forms in various states of vibration, phenomenology and density. This philosophy applies to the universe and everything in form. And all are founded in and from the quantum nature of energy, which is a living energy that is biased for life. The below illustration shows a separating out of the multi-layering of levels that make up quantum reality through to the physical universe. The important aspects to note are that there are certain layers where only generative forms exists (those that are life sustaining, promoting and expansive) and those that are degenerative (destructive and collapsing).
Lower Vibration state higher density Solid Structural attributes
Higher Vibration state Ethereal, non-linear, living, Quantum and nebulous attributes
The physical material layer of reality, composed of physical structure, such as atoms, molecules, through to larger structures such as cells, plants and galaxies. At this level, both generative and degenerative forms exist
The physical sub layers, multiple layers of different phenomenology that has subtle crossovers with physical layer and sub quantum. At this level, both generative and degenerative forms exist
The Quantum sub layers, layers of quantum nebulous forms that have a crossover between the quantum and sub physical and physical. At this level only generative forms exist
The Quantum layers, the foundation for all quantum sub layers and high density structure layers (physical and sub physical)
ISEE Principle One Transforming Degenerative into Generative The multi-layers, from the quantum through to the physical contain energy structures of light substance which are living and active . That is to say they influence that which they interact with. These layers and sub layers, make up what we can and cannot perceive with our physical senses, all stemming from the quantum field. And indeed there are far deeper levels within the quantum field itself, but for the purpose of this explanation, we only need focus on the sub levels. Just like a house, all layers of the bricks, the window structures and eventually the roof, are based upon the foundation. And so it is similar for the sub layering from a quantum field. Looking at the sub quantum layers in the illustration above, there exists what we call Quantum Structured Energy Codes , or QSEC ’s in short. These codes take a multitude of forms and are life promoting and generative . That is, they fully support life, its development and expansion. However, as you descend in vibration and move into the sub-physical and physical, the possibility of degenerative code structures begins to exist in the lower sub layers. These codes impede life promoting processes and can be very destructive. All such codes are, in essence, the result of the conscious intentions inherent when created, and continue to be as such until changed. For example. If you create a message for someone with love and kindness, that is perceived and felt by the person receiving it. Now write the same words with mal-intent and the codes you receive will likely leave you in a lower energy state, even though the wording is exactly the same. A beautiful natural example of such codes influencing the development of life is in water crystals. These crystals grow and develop based upon the codes they contain, which can include codes from materials within the water also.
To go a little deeper into the human condition, it is of key importance to understand that the human form is made up of a multitude of layers in which it operates, from the matter layers through to the high layers of the quantum levels. And as such is able to both receive and give generative QSEC ’s and degenerative coding.. Indeed, these coding interactions are happening all the time, throughout your day. So you are in fact absorbing and imparting information while you sleep, walk and play. From when feeling light from the sun and interacting with friends, all the way through to your use of technology and the experience of artificial signals in the air, such as communications technology etc. The more natural the interaction, for example walking in sunshine, the more generative QSEC ’s you receive. The more artificial, such as from a technology rich environment, the more degenerative ones you absorb. This happens through the principle of resonance, in that if you match the vibration of the generative QSEC ’s or degenerative codes you can exchange and absorb them. That is, the ones from the layers and sub layers you’re interacting with, and it with yours. This can easily be appreciated with the example of musical tuning forks. If you vibrate one fork and bring it close to another of the same note that was still, it will then begin to vibrate. There is an exchange of energy because they resonate perfectly together. That is, their frequency of vibration is a match. If you do the same with a fork of a different note, nothing will happen as they do not match frequency, and so do not resonate, and no exchange will take place. The human body is made up of over 75% water. Water molecules have a structure that resonates with microwave radiation. This type of radiation is what is primarily used in mobile phones and other radiating communication technologies. And so a very large part of the human ‘matter layer’ makeup can absorb the codes from these emissions. And there are many other examples of such resonances that allow the body to receive degenerative codes. And so the need for the body to only exchange generative QSEC’s, while still being able to go about your day in the modern world, is of high importance for well-being and natural development, which is why the ISEE solutions were developed.
ISEE Principles Two & Three Creating a nourishing environment to grow and develop as a living being These principles are actually related, and are about the expansive development of the human condition in a way that is alignment with the highest path as chosen by, and is unique to, the individuals inner being, while using the ISEE innovations. The second principle is the application of generative QSEC ’s that are in alignment with the inner being of the individual. These will often be very different for each and will take place at a pace that is appropriated by the inner being of the individual. The third principle is the development and sustainment of the individuals connection to the earth energy fields. This connection, often termed as earthing, or grounding, is a fundamental symbiosis between us and the earth. It cannot be over stated, as to how important, clear and deep grounding to the earth fields is. The image below helps to illustrate the intended assisting nature of the three ISEE principles, by way of the rotation attributes of energy. Generative energy motion has an expansive vortex nature to it, and degenerative is a collapsing and contracting one. The concept of assistance is to help provide an energetic environment that keeps you above the neutral line.
If you allow water crystals to grow in an energetic environment of say mobile phone radiations, the resulting crystals become jagged, disfigured and chaotic. The more degenerative codes they contain, the more chaotic and disharmonious they become. This is similar for cells, the more generative QSEC ’s they contain, the healthier and life promoting development they experience. The more degenerative ones that are present, the more the cell experiences poor function. From our research, all artificial radiations (from all modern electronic technologies) contain degenerative coding, as does much of the food we eat and water from central supplies. Indeed, in modern living conditions, it is virtually impossible to escape exposure to them in one form or another. And so, the first principle of the ISEE function, is to actively transform all degenerative codes into generative QSEC’s that are life promoting and supportive:
Both generative QSEC’s and degenerative coding exist here
Only generative QSEC’s exist here
Both generative QSEC’s and degenerative coding exist here
Only generative exist here
Only generative QSEC’s exist in the range of the ISEE device
Only generative QSEC’s exist here
Only generative QSEC’s exist in the range of the ISEE device
Only generative exist here
ISEE re-purposing of degenerative into generative QSEC’s
The ISEE Re-purposing of Artificial Fields Given the principles of the ISEE described above, it is further helpful to go deeper into the anatomy of artificial fields and the effects they can have. Such fields are prevalent everywhere, even in the most remote locations in natural settings, albeit much less than in say modern housing or office blocks etc. In order to understand the effect, they have on the human condition, we must first look at the makeup of such fields, which is greatly misunderstood, in our view. In the ISEE infynergy perspective, artificial fields are multilayered and have resonance right down to the physical level of reality. In the context of mainstream physics, such fields are electromagnetic in nature. Meaning they have both electric and magnetic attributes that can be oscillating or static. In the ISEE infynergy view, we see technologically generated electromagnetic fields as ‘artificial fields’, as we view them to be composed of multilayers of energy structures that go beyond the normal electric and magnetic attributes that can be seen by physical measurement devices. To be clear, when an instrument measures an artificial field, it is really looking at the movement of electrical charge in the detector antennae/receptor and then displaying that as such. This display, in the case of an oscillating artificial field will show a sine wave, which has a particular frequency etc. Now, in an analogy, a detector that measures the motion of an ocean wave would do the same. It will display the motion characteristic of the physical wave detection mechanism. But all this is really doing is measuring the ‘up’ and ‘down’ motion of a physical object that is being moved by the ocean wave when placed in its path. Therefore, the measurement device can tell you nothing of the vast multilayer properties of the ocean medium itself, only the motion of the detector as it moves up and down while in the path of the ocean wave. This is why we call technological fields ‘artificial’ as this really is a reference to our view that the wave is not just the detectable electromagnetic wave that an instrument can measure by ‘watching’ the movement of charges that are riding up and down as the wave passes through. So, in the conventional sense, an electromagnetic wave can be illustrated by a wave whose frequency determines the physical properties of how it interacts with and affects matter:
Increasing Frequency
The conventional electromagnetic spectrum, below, illustrates the range of different frequencies and their attributes, which includes well known frequencies such as radio through to cosmic rays, and includes the visual light we see with our eyes:
Generative QSEC’s + Degenerative coded structures + Base EM carrier wave
Generative QSEC’s only + Base EM carrier wave
ISEE re-purposing of degenerative into generative QSEC’s
An Important Concept to Understand with Artifical Fields While we believe it is vitally important to repurpose the structured energy codes to become QSEC’s, there is a very important aspect related to the effect of artificial fields on human wellbeing that is very misunderstood. And that is that although, in the range of the ISEE device, the structured energy codes are repurposed become QSEC’s, within the artificial field, the basic carrier wave is still present. Now, most importanly, this carrier wave no longer has degenerative coding within it, but its presence has a direct effect on the charge withing the body, and especially on conductive pollutants, such as heavy metals and other such receptors still remaining in the body. This is very important to understand, in the pursuit of wellbeing, as many have such aspects within their bodies from various sources. This means that the induced oscillations from artificial fields can still have a ‘physical’ effect on certain people. This is particularly true while considering that the body relies, in part, on electromagnetic signaling, which is rhythmic in nature. The added oscillations of say, a digitally modulated artificial field, which itself is a sharp edged wave form (never found in nature), creates a superposition, and may alter the communication signal of the body. This seems to be especially true with a body laden with heavy metals and other conductive material. In the modern world, there are two main ways to deal with this: To be located in a place where artificial fields are at a minimum (which is not practical for most) To create a space that encourages the transition away from having such points of resonance that allow these residual physical oscillations This is why we believe it is also important for principles 2 and 3 as described above. These are in part to assist the human condition to move beyond those points of resonance that allow any residual agitation. In our view, this may take a person, depnding on many factors, a while to achieve.
And so, it becomes easy to see just how much the human living condition is exposed to both natural and artificial fields each and every day. We now take a closer look at a simple graphical overview of the multi-layered properites of artifical waves, from the infynergy perspective, which is simply a closer look based on the discussions above of the multi-layered makeup of reality. These layers can be seperated into three classes, or components of the makeup of the artifical field as:
Seperating the artifical wave field into its components
The quantum field is the fundamental blueprint for The photons behaviour what it exchanges through interaction The structures and qualities it can exchange, wihtin the photon field, and beyond…
Disclaimer: All of the work, information, techniques, ideas, concepts, solutions and products presented here in this entire website, and in all ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) literature, are expressly the views and perspectives of ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) only. They are not, and have not been, endorsed, evaluated, recognised or understood by any mainstream academic or medical body or institution and should only ever be taken as the view and philosophy of ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC). None of what is presented here, including the innovations of ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC), are intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease and an appropriate medical consultant should be used for such. Aspects relating to experiences with them are purely personal testimonials for helpfulness and not intended as a claim of performance verification. All of the ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) innovations are continually evolving. As such, ISEE infynergy (ISEE Innovations LLC) may make changes in the design, appearence and function of the systems without any prior notice.
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